Freshly roasted!

Tastes & flavours monster

We opened Café Lounge (R.I.P.) in 2009 and that's where everything started. Since then some of us haven't pulled the coffee from their hand and some of us from their head. We examine the bean for more than 10 years from all sides, we bring the coffee from roasteries all around the world, not enough, we know less and less about it. Finally the time of knowing so little made us to think it is the right time to open some fu..... roastery on our own. And we did .. we got this unfed monster, something of o civet, bean inside, much better out (which doesn't apply to civet) and we try to do some dressage. We call it Dydrich ...

We roast on an American 12 kg handcraft roaster IR-12 by Diedrich Roasters. From all over the world we try to bring over beans we consider after all the years in coffee business somehow different, interesting and with incredible taste. Our roaster Jan is learning, same with us. There is yet not the time to say our coffee is superb and we know what the roasting is about. This will be a long journey, but we believe you will be getting better and better experience and enjoyment from the coffee we will present to you. 

For our recently roasted beans please visit our online store: